

Business administration is the management of for-profit or non-profit organizations. 这包括监督一个组织的业务运作, 包括会计, finance, 市场营销, 产品设计与开发, 以及运营和技术管理.

Welcome to the Los Angeles Valley College Department of 工商管理. We provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand the business world through a comprehensive set of classes, certificates, and degrees. Whether your goals are to transfer to a university and complete a four-year degree, 获得副学士学位或证书, 掌握新职业所需的技能, 在你目前的事业上取得进步, 或者获得开始新业务的技能,你就在正确的地方.

Research shows and our business advisers agree that employers hire employees who communicate effectively, take initiative, are team players, 表现出专业的行为和领导能力. This is why most of our classes include real-life team projects and class presentations. Instructors concentrate on helping you build job specific skills valued by business and industry:

  • Team building
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Leadership
Dr. Kevin Sanford
(818) 947-2410
Office Location
Office Hours







点击下面的标签以了解更多关于商业学位的信息 & certificates.

工商管理是一个广泛的领域,包括许多学科, administration, accounting, 创业与小企业, finance, law, 国际贸易, management, marketing, operations, 信息系统, and real estate. This degree is designed to provide students with the core of lower division courses required to transfer to a California State University and pursue a bachelor's degree in business administration in the discipline(s) of their choice. 重点在于会计, 经营环境和职能, economics, law, mathematics, 定量分析. 


The "Business Essentials" certificate will prepare students for first-level management and supervisory jobs, as well as support positions and qualify for small business jobs and careers including entry-level position in the areas of bookkeeping and accounting. Also, students will have completed many of the core requirements for the Associate in science in 工商管理 for Transfer Degree.


The "银行及金融" degree provides an in-depth understanding of the operations of money and capital markets, 机构与管理. 学生将为投资等领域的就业做好准备, banking, corporate finance, insurance, credit unions, 按揭银行及相关领域.


The "银行及金融" certificate prepares students for basic entry-level positions in the financial services industry, including banking, insurance, 经纪及房地产. 


The "Management" degree serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in management and prepares students for first level management and supervisory positions, 支持人力资源方面的职位, 也适合在团队环境中工作. 除经营管理外, 学生将使用电脑和互联网, 并整合其他商业学科, including, Accounting, Marketing, 银行及金融, and Law.


The "Business Management" certificate prepares students for first-level management and supervisory jobs, 以及人力资源方面的支持职位, 并让他们在团队工作环境中取得成功. Students will use the computer, the internet, and relevant computer applications.


The "Retail Management" Certificate prepares students for career opportunities and advancement in 零售业. 零售经理的工作环境多种多样, including grocery, fashion, 特色食品和饮料, 家居和室内装饰, technology, services, general retailing, and e-commerce. The program provides students with skills in marketing, management, technology, and budgeting. Program completion leads to a certificate awarded by the College and an Industry certificate awarded by the Western Association of Food Chains.


The "Marketing" degree serves as the basis for further undergraduate education in marketing and prepares students for positions in sales, 零售业, 以及入门级的营销工作. 学生将使用电脑和互联网, 并整合其他商业学科, including, Accounting, Management, 银行及金融, and Law.


The "Marketing" certificate prepares students for advancement as well as positions in sales, 零售业, 以及入门级的营销工作. Students will use the computer, the internet, and relevant computer applications.




Name Areas of Study 联系信息
Nikoo Berenji 法律、律师助理和房地产 @email
Siu Chung Accounting
Dr. Sonja Jones Business @email
拿破仑情史Lee-Perry Business @email
Howard Levine 会计与商业 @email
Kendrick Kim 房地产及商业 @email
Ray Mathieu 会计与商业
Dr. Brandi Payne Business @email
扫罗Preciado-Garcia 会计与商业 @email
Dr. Kevin Sanford Business @email
Dr. Tasos Sioukas Business @email

Adjunct Faculty

点击下面的兼职教师列表. 有关教员的完整列表,请搜索 LAVC directory.

Name 联系信息
Violet Amrikhas Saado @email
Sheldon Burgh @email
Joseph Caruana @email
Jack Condon @email
Murray Johannsen @email
Clarissa Leiva @email
Randall Lewis @email
Stephanie O'Neal @email
James Powder @email
Paul Sabolic @email
Kimberly Shediak


Lorenzo Ybarra @email


Faculty Profiles

Faculty Profiles


Nikoo Berenji
  • B.A.他是加州大学洛杉矶分校的教授. M.A.纽约大学. J.D.他是加州大学伯克利分校的教授. 
  • 教授工商管理:房地产和法律课程.



  • B.S.他是加州州立大学洛杉矶分校的教授. 
  • 教授工商管理:会计课程.


Sonja Ann Jones
  • B.S. 明尼苏达大学数学/辅修心理学. B.S. 明尼苏达大学统计学专业. 美国圣路易斯市大学MBA创业专业. Thomas. 阿尔戈西大学商学博士. 戴尔·卡内基商业证书. ITIL认证. 
  • 教工商管理:商业, 国际业务, Finance and Marketing courses.
  • 趣事:我喜欢周游世界,喜欢不断学习.  我是维京队的超级粉丝. 我也热爱表演、制作、音乐和娱乐!

  • 至理名言:拥抱每一刻, 让你所有的梦想成真,对世界产生积极的影响!


Kendrick Kim
  • B.A. 加州州立大学长滩分校社会学. M.S. 刑事司法科,长滩犯罪现场调查组. M.S. Psychology (Industrial/ Organizational Psychology), Grand Canyon University. 大峡谷大学社会学研究生证书. 大峡谷大学工商管理硕士. 
  • 教授工商管理:房地产和商业课程.
  • 有趣的事实-漫威工作室和漫威漫画迷, 读完整本《皇冠最新网址》, Harry Potter, 《皇冠官网网站》系列. 雅各布团队(如果你读过《皇冠最新网址》,看过电影,你就知道).


Desiree Lee-Perry教授摄
  • 中央大学MBA创业专业. B.S. CSUN营销.
  • 教工商管理:商业, Marketing, and Management courses.
  • 有趣的事实-我是一个企业主,歌手和戏剧演员.
  • 代词:她/她的


  • B.S. 圣地亚哥州立大学会计学专业.
  • 成立了一家公共会计公司, concentrating in small businesses and non-profit (exempt) organizations accounting and tax issues. 
  • 教授工商管理:会计和商业课程.


Raymond Mathieu
  • B.S. 圣地亚哥州立大学金融学. M.A. 凤凰城会计大学.
  • 教授工商管理:会计课程.
  • 有趣的事实——我喜欢铁人三项. 


Brandi Payne
  • B.A. 亨德森州立大学英语专业. M.S. 人力资源管理, 凯勒管理研究生院, DBA—工商管理博士学位, 凤凰城大学. 
  • 教工商管理:商业, Finance, Marketing, and Management courses. 
  • 在2016年开始她的学术生涯之前. Brandi Payne worked in the financial services industry – banking and variable annuities – in roles ranging from management to business banking specialist to processor. 自从她开始学术生涯以来, she has taught in various educational settings and levels ranging from adult high school learner programs and master’s degree programs in the fields of English and Business.
  • Fun Fact- 布兰迪出生在密尔沃基, 威斯康星州,在纽波特长大, 阿肯色州——谷歌一下纽波特的人口, 去阿肯色州找乐子! She met her California raised husband in Dallas, Texas; they share a 5-year-old daughter. 
  • 代词:She/她


  • B.S. 圣地亚哥州立大学刑事司法专业. M.S. Accounting and Finance (Emphasis in Fraud Examination), 凯勒管理研究生院. 国立大学工商管理硕士(人力资源管理方向). 
  • 教授工商管理:会计和商业课程.
  • Mr. Preciado is a seasoned academic professional who has been actively contributing to the educational landscape since 2014, 特别是自2016年以来在洛杉矶社区学院区. 奥巴马出生于墨西哥墨西卡利. Preciado's academic journey began with studies in accounting in his home country. Mr. Preciado's impactful contributions to the Los Angeles Community College District and his commitment to the fields of business and accounting demonstrate his passion for fostering a dynamic and enrichment educational environment for students. 
  • Fun Fact - Mr. 普雷西亚多最喜欢的食物是土豆和辣酱. 
  • 代词:He/他


  • A.A. 帕洛玛学院文理学院. A.A. 艺术与人文,帕洛玛学院. B.S. 工商管理-管理和市场营销,加州大学圣马科斯分校. 山姆休斯顿州立大学工商管理硕士. PhD Human Resource Development and Organizational Change, University of Texas at Tyler.
  • 教工商管理:商业, Finance, 国际业务, 管理及市场营销课程.
  • 有趣的事实-我喜欢环游世界, 我是一名美国海军陆战队老兵, 我从2014年开始在LAVC任教, 我感兴趣的领域包括商业和退伍军人事务.
  • 至理名言:“离开学校一定要有所收获。” ... make sure you are on a path to earn Certificates of Achievement and Associate's Degrees. 如果你不知道怎么做 ... please ask!


Anastasios Sioukas
  • B.S. 塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学机械工程专业. M.S. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research他是加州大学伯克利分校的教授. PhD Technology and Innovation Management, University of Southern California. 
  • 教工商管理:商业, Finance, 国际业务, and Management courses.

